City of Tampa takes step to fight Zika in face of up coming storms

City of Tampa takes step to fight Zika in face of up coming storms

TAMPA, FLA – Mayor Bob Buckhorn said with the anticipated storms there will be a lot of standing water and he’s not taking any chances.

The mayor authorized the purchase of 5,000 more mosquito dunks.

Over the past few days, crews have already put about 5,000 of them in areas with standing water.

The tabs have a bacteria that attacks mosquito larvae and last up to 30 days.

It’s also non-toxic to wildlife and humans

The city spent a couple thousand dollars and the mayor said they are prepared to spend more.

The money is coming out of the city’s budget, not from the $26.2 million authorized by the governor to fight Zika.

Buckhorn said its money well spent considering Florida now has 43 cases of locally transmitted Zika including one in our backyard over in Pinellas county.

“We cannot wait for the politicians in Washington DC to react,” said Buckhorn. “We have to take our own future in our hands do what we can. Obviously hope that the folks in Washington DC come through with some money for a potential cure. But we’re not going to stand around and wait.”

The mayor said if people are interested in getting some of these dunks all you need to do is call code enforcement

The mayor said someone will be out

He also encourages people to go to their local hardware stores to purchase them.


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