It has come to our attention that Marshal Agrovet Chemical Industries Ltd in Bangladesh, had supplied 5 tons of Bti larvicide (Bacillus Thuringiensis Israelensis) product to the Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC) and fraudulently use our company name, Best Chemical Co (S) Pte Ltd (Best Chemical) as manufacturer for the product.
The 5 tons of Bti larvicide is not supplied by Best Chemical. Marshal Agrovet Chemical Industries Ltd is not an appointed distributor of Best Chemical. Mr Li Qiang who claimed to be the export manager of Best Chemical and Bti Expert, is not an employee of Best Chemical.
Best Chemical will not hesitate to commence legal proceedings against any parties found manufacturing, selling and distributing or offering to manufacture, sell and distribute products which infringe our intellectual property rights.
For further information relating to Best Chemical Co (S) Pte Ltd’s intellectual property rights, please inquire with Best Chemical Co (S) Pte Ltd’s solicitors in Singapore as follows:
Infinitus Law Corporation 77 Robinson Road #16-00 Robinson 77 Singapore 068896
Tel: 6221 2233
Fax: 6323 6388
Source: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02qaPStiskK8sdZqrS1UB2QLNJx1cTaQ2mjp5YYhC3RQTSAQAEKLARJy7K1WTGqx6hl&id=100064025262174