Now available on GrabMart Islandwide delivery.
Note: SCDF P&FM storage licence is required if the quantity purchased, stored or kept exceed the licence exemption quantity (i.e. 20 litres for most P&FM).
Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)
Molecular formula: C4H8O or CH3C(O)CH2CH3
Synonyms: MEK, Butanone, 2-Butanone, Methylpropanone, Methylacetone
MEK is a colorless, flammable liquid ketone with a sharp, sweet odor reminiscent of butterscotch and acetone. It is soluble in water and is commonly used as an industrial solvent. MEK is an effective and common solvent and is used in processes involving gums, resins, cellulose acetate and nitrocellulose coatings and in vinyl films. For this reason it finds use in the manufacture of plastics, textiles, in the production of paraffin wax, and in household products such as lacquer, varnishes paint remover, a denaturing agent for denatured alcohol, glues, and as a cleaning agent.
MEK is also used as a plastic welding agent as it dissolves polystyrene and many other plastics. Though often considered as an adhesive, it is actually functioning as a welding agent.
Packing Size:
1 Litre Bottle
4 Litres Bottle
Please contact us for other packaging sizes.
Click here to request for a quote.
The Fire Safety (Petroleum and Flammable Materials) Regulations, storage and transportation of petroleum and flammable materials (P&FM) is under the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) licensing control.
- Anyone who intends to store or transport petroleum and flammable materials beyond the stipulated exemption quantities are required to obtain a licence from SCDF.
- If you do not possess the P&FM storage license, we request that you activate an order only when you have fully consumed the P&FM products in your premise to ensure that you do not stock P&FM products exceeding SCDF’s stipulated exemption quantity.
- Best Chemical Co (S) Pte Ltd holds no responsibility for violations beyond our control. Storage and transport licence is not required if the quantity stored or transported is below the licence exemption quantity (i.e. 20 litres for most P&FM).
- All storage of P&FM, regardless of quantity stored, have to comply with fire safety requirements for storage of flammable materials.
Visit SCDF website for more information.